Humanitarian Learning Channel

The channel offers curated humanitarian learning to build knowledge, skills and competencies to effectively contribute to UNICEF's important work with crisis-affected children and their communities

LMS Management

Learning Objectives

UNICEF's humanitarian action for children focuses on interventions that save lives, alleviate suffering, maintain human dignity, and protect the rights of affected populations wherever there are humanitarian needs – from armed conflicts to natural disasters to public health emergencies.

Overall goals are to:

  1. Build the foundations to implement UNICEF's Humanitarian Policy and Framework, the Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action (the CCCs).
  2. Embed a ‘humanitarian mindset’ in the ways of working amongst all UNICEF personnel and partners.
  3. Enable learners to apply theoretical knowledge from curated learning pathways to real-world scenarios in diverse humanitarian contexts.
  4. Empower UNICEF personnel and partners to engage in continuous and active learning about UNICEF’s humanitarian action.


UNICEF staff at all levels; Partners from NGOs, UN agencies, National Committees, and local stakeholders involved in or supporting humanitarian action.


  • The pathways combine self-paced e-learning modules with interactive content to enhance engagement and retention of knowledge.
  • Category-based learning allows learners to explore specific CCCs-based topics by selecting categories that align with interests or areas of work to build specific capacities.
  • The regional pages will provide learning opportunities specific to different regions, acknowledging the unique contexts that humanitarian workers face in various parts of the world.
  • Incorporates a mechanism for user feedback to continuously improve the humanitarian learning content. This iterative process ensures the channel remains relevant and effective in fostering competency development for UNICEF personnel and partners.


Two Main Learning Pathways:

  • UNICEF Fundamentals of Humanitarian Action: Level 1: Introduces learners to UNICEF’s humanitarian policy and framework, consisting of 11 Activities and taking approximately 14-16 hours to complete.
  • UNICEF Fundamentals of Humanitarian Action: Level 2: Advances knowledge on overarching commitments and cross-cutting themes such as advocacy, gender equality, and disability inclusion, with 14 Activities requiring 18-20 hours to complete.

Explore Humanitarian Learning by Category: Learners can click on specific categories to explore online learning topics based on the CCCs. This curated selection aims to build capacity and support the delivery of timely, quality, and child-centered humanitarian response and advocacy in crises with humanitarian consequences.

Regional Humanitarian Action: Offers region-specific learning options focused on humanitarian action. This section allows learners to engage with content that is tailored to the particular needs and challenges of their region, enhancing relevance and application of the learned concepts.


  • Course mapping and vetting
  • Channel design and implementation
  • Dashboard design
  • LMS management
  • Instructional design
  • eLearning development
  • Pathway development
  • Video editing


  • UNICEF Agora LMS
  • Premiere Pro
  • Articulate Rise
  • Photoshop

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